Tuesday, August 23, 2011

assignment 9 : database

in this last assignment, we are asked to do a database of result for 15 students. we need to give them a grade based on 8 subject that are malay, english, mathematics, science, kemahiran hidup, geography, religious study and history.

then, i give them a grade that are 80 - 100 is A. 79- 60 is B. 59 to 50 is C. 49 to 40 is D and 39 to 0 is E.

it is something new for all of us because we do not really know how to key in all the data. When we go to school later, we will easy to do all of the data n mark of the students.

assignment 8: spreadsheet

in this assignment, we need to do a spreadsheet . we need to do our yearly income, savings and spending in each month for one year.

we need to do it in microsoft excel and spreadsheet. i found it is interesting because we understand what it is all about. actually, at first we do not know what to do for this assignment but our lecturer helps us a lot in making this assignment

Assignment 6a (Brochure) and 6b(Booklet

For this particular assignment, we need to complete two things that are 6a) desktop publishing software (Microsoft Publisher) and 6b) a bookfold using any of the listed software....

We need to use Microsoft Office Publisher to create a brochure, which must be related to topic assignment 1,4 and 5. After with done with our brochure, we need to create a booklet. 

We then need to do a book fold in Microsoft Office  After we collect the information on how to create the book fold, we then do a book fold.  It is also must be related to the asgment 1,4 and 5. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

week 7a (spreadsheet)

For week 7a, we have to do spreadsheet using Calc and microsoft excel. in the task of assignment 8a, we have to plan a personal finalcial management which consist of our income and our spending for one year. In this financial management spreadsheet also , i have learn a lot. We need  to use the formula in calc which we have have to calculate the balance for each month and the balanced will bring forward to the next month. after we done with spreadsheet, i had uploaded the file to Google doc as instructed by our coordinator and our lecturer. 

As for assignment 8b, I created a spreadsheet with 15 students and along with 8 subjects which are English, bahasa melayu, mathematics, science and history, geography, kemahiran hidup and agama islam for this spreadsheet, i learnt to use:

o Define name
o Fill Series
o Graph
o Sort
o Filter

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

week 4 (SPSS)

This week, we're given a task based on the online questionnaire that we did during the last task.

First of all , we need to install the SPSS software 

Then, based on the feedback that i got from the online survey

just sign in google doc and click on our  questionnaire doc. 

week 3b (questionnaire)

first of all i want to apologize because a bit late update my blog . 
i already do this question last two weeks but because
 i was admit to hospital for one week ,
 i do not have any time .

 me and my partner need to do a survey based on our last topic which is Mobile Learning.
it is contain of ten question which need all of u answer it. 
so that , we can use the feedback to do our data . 

u can answer this survey by click the link below 

survey question