Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Assignment 3a - Literature Review

In our assignment 3a that i said in my last post, we need to do a literature review and need to do it in Open Office Writer. After all, we then done with our assignment.

Below is our assignment for 3a




The usage of mobile devices for mobile learning is very increasingly popular. Students in universities nowadays are exposed to mobile learning in distance learning to enhance learning among the students community. The combination of wireless telecommunication and mobile computing is resulting in escalating transformation of educational world.
In order to efficiently achieve usability tailored around, the factors of cognitive, perceptual, motor capabilities and constraints of people in general should be considered. Other than that, the unique characteristics of the users’ physical and social work environment will help to enhance the uses of m-learning.

The use of mobile technologies in education is not restricted to exploiting them for learning activities. Education as a process relies on a great deal of coordination of learners and resources.


As the mobile technologies are very familiar among the teachers and students nowadays, some implementation problems have been recognized. The small screen size and memory capacity of the mobile phones meant that no detailed feedback about question responses could be given. This is one of the lacks of detailed feedback for learners. Sometimes the questions are not relevant to what a particular student had studied. For the distance education, the compatibility across devices which is despite Java being promoted as a cross-platform environment, it was difficult to get the Java game function in all phones. Other than that, the SMS service was originally free but excessive demand forced the BBC to charge for messages and it makes the cost of some advanced smart phones is quite high. While the issue of small screen makes reading the text and web browsing quite difficult.

Significantly, the students found the hand-held, expansion sleeve and wireless card too large and heavy for comfortable use and the memory card of 54MB is not enough to save data.


As today got loads of devices full with variety functions, the students can thus download lecture materials, audio and video lectures into iPod as it is a portable media player that allows a user to download music, podcasts, audio books and other video. The students can also share information files, work together on a project, provide visual directions or interface with the iPod through a microphone. The flexibility, instant connectivity, mobility associated with mobile learning has given rise to new delivery platforms for teaching and learning. So, some improvements in the learning environment will help such as both faculty and staff have access to ubiquitous learning environment, students have access to the same hardware and software as faculty, cost savings result in replacing desktop computers with laptops and hard wired networks with wireless one and standardization of platforms maximizes access and minimizes need for technical support.

With mobile technologies, teaching and learning process begin to make a breakthrough from small-scale pilots to large departmental and institutional implementations.


3)(UKM library)

Norbert Pachler, Ben Bachmair, John Cook, Gunther Kress, B.B. (2009). Mobile Learning.
(S.M.Jacob, 2008)
S.M.Jacob, B. I. (2008, March 19-21). The Mobile Devices and its Mobile Learning Usage Analysis. Retrieved July 26, 2011, from
(Seong, 2006)
Seong, D. S. (2006). Usability Guidelines for Designing Mobile . Retrieved July 26, 2011, from

(Tia G. Tucker, 2009)
Tia G. Tucker, W. W. (2009). Mobile Learning for Just-In-Time Applications. Retrieved July 26, 2011, from

From my own opinion, i think that the mobile learning or also call as m-learning, is a good tool for student to learn everywhere they want. But i think ipod, ipad, and galaxy tab is one of the good toll of m-learning because it is very practical. It is design as a mobile learning because we can bring it everywhere and it is as a tool for learning. It is a touch screen.

While for laptop and netbook, it is also a mobile learning but it is not very practical for mobile learning. This is because, it is designed only for bring everywhere but not for mobile learning. It is also need student to type it using a keypad.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Progress of Assignment 3a - Literature Review and Online Discussion

Now we are doing assignment 3a.
It is about the literature review and online discussion. 
For me n my pair, we need to do a report on what should be done in Malaysia. 
For my group, we need to continue about our second assignment that is mobile learning.
So, we do a report about mobile learning in Assignment 3a. 
We use a reference that was given by UKM.

This assignment is in on-going until we do a report.

Assignment Week 3 : Management System (CMS / LMS)

Week 3 : Management System (CMS / LMS)

week 3(reflection)

In this week 3 assignment, we learnt about CMS/LMS under the topic of Management. In the task, we need to pair up and do our assignment as a pair team. since i have been pair with Nur Jihan Azmirrulnizam for the last week's task, so we continue with this group for making us to do our task easier. We decide to use the facebook group as our medium for online discussion as  facebook group is a great tool for internet discussions is easy for us to discuss with our coordinator, lecturer and classmate. 



Learning management systems (LMS) are software systems that primarily act as an electronic registrar by performing various enrollment and related tasks. LMS perform some or all of the following tasks:
* registration 

*track participation (classroom attendance, sign-ons and sign-offs ofonline courses)
* track completions (including final scores or grades) 

* follow-up discussions with participants
*aggregated reports, such as the number of people registered for particular courses
* course catalog
*skills management


Course management systems (CMS) are online systems that were originally designed to support classroom learning in academic settings, such as universities and high schools. CMS provide instructors with the ability to perform the following tasks:

*Place course materials online. Most CMSs provide pre-programmed buttons for the course syllabus, course schedule and course materials linked to specific lessons, such as copies of readings and PowerPoint slides from lectures.

* Track student progress through assessment features, which enable
instructors to give quizzes and tests online, and an online grade book, where
instructors can post student grades.

* Discussion board, where instructors and students can discuss readings
and continue class discussions between formal class sessions.

*Other communications tools, which let instructors send announcements to
classes and communicate individually with students. Course statistics, which provide information on the use of the course site, including who

* used the course site and when.


We use CMS and LMS because education nowadays use an internet as the source of
information and teachers and lecturers can control their student's work by only
using a computer. It is very easy and save our time.


We can use CMS and LMS anywhere we want. Not only at class. It will make the
learning process easy. Some students have their own learning style. They cannot
be push to do something at that time. They will feel really stress and they need
a time so that they can think about it and have an idea about their learning.

People who is involved in CMS and LMS is lecturer, teacher and student. Student as a learner and lecturer or teacher as a people who teach and observe the student' s work and student's learning


In assignment 3, we learn CMS and LMS. We learn to collect information ourselves and we learn ourselves with the help of the lecturer.

We must look at the LMS as an overall strategy rather than just a tool.
Learning measurement is already present as a process in the training function.We
can also use the assessment module of the LMS to create relevant and timely
assessments which can be run either along with or independently of the training.
Online assessments, if designed properly can be a powerful tool to measure

there are a lot of information for both CMS and LMS in the internet. therefore we are able to collect informations from various types of sources. It is very easy for us to learn and can do our work anywhere and anytime we want.

Google Docs
Its my first time for me and my group mate for creating a google doc for the report for this task. we are glad that we are able to learn many thing about computer and computer in education from this course. 

We are sorry
I am sorry because me and my group mate are able to finish this task after the due date.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Assignment 2 : Mobile Learning

  Mobile Learning is using handheld devices for learning, training and Job aid. The Mobile Learning enables users, students, trainees, teachers and Instructors to use their hand held devices as Pocket PCs and Mobile Phones for self learning , development and training. Mobile Learning can be used both in push and pull modes by users in times of learning need. Typically, tools are accessed just-in-time (Calculators, glossaries, information queries) as is some content (FAQs, etc) and social-tech enabled applications.

                  Most mobile devices are also useful to us as a teacher to be. It is because it useful in education as administration, organisation and teaching aids for practitioners, and also as learning support tools for learners. One of the reason is learners can interact with each other and with the practitioner instead of hiding behind large monitors. It is also much easier to accommodate several mobile devices in a classroom than several desktop computers.This is because we can detect mobile devices more easily than the laptop or PC. Other thanx that, PDAs or tablets holding notes and e-books are lighter and less bulky than bags full of files, paper and textbooks, or even laptops. It is more easy for student because it is very lighter and no need to bring laptop's charger and use LCD.  When we use mobile devices in our study, our handwriting with the stylus pen is more intuitive than using keyboard and mouse.It will attract us to learn more because we use many stylus pen and different colour.

                  As a student, it i's also possible to share our  assignments with our classmate and work collaboratively. Learners and practitioners can also e-mail, cut, copy and paste text, pass the device around a group. We work with each other by using the infrared function of a PDA or a wireless network such as Bluetooth. Mobile devices can be used anywhere, anytime, including at home, on the train, in hotels - this is invaluable for work-based training. These devices engage learners especially young people who may have lost interest in education. They are tend to like mobile phones, gadgets and games devices such as Nintendo DS or Playstation Portable more.  This technology may also contribute to combating the digital divide, as this equipment (for example PDAs) is generally cheaper than desktop computers.

As a conclusion, i think this is one of the best way for students to learn by using different style. Teachers also can use his strategy to attract the student attaction and make the learning and teaching process more fun and efficient.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Assignment 1 : First Week Class

5 june 2011 and 7th june 2011 was the first week class for subject GGGE1155 COMPUTER IN EDUCATION.
Our lecturer is Tg Norazlan bin Tg Sulaiman.

for our first class lesson, our lecturer had briefing to us about the registration, usage and ethics.

we need to register our official email, facebook, yahoo group and blog.

so, from here we know how to do a facebook, blog, yahoo group and also an official email.

i think this is a good way for us to interact with our classmates, our lecturer and also a coordinator from UKM.